
Grassroots 24 issues topic Bulletin: how to effective prevention and treatment of injuries in physical education class _ lawn Green

Classification: grassroots Forum on the effective prevention and treatment of injuries in physical education physical education should take the "dynamic". In the process, because of the intense physical exercise and confrontation are proHelp Desk Tracking Softwarene to injury. This is also doomed to physical injury accidents is much higher than that of other disciplines, so we should recognize that accidents happenings and unpredictability. On the other hand, the movement of students, parents ' rights consciousness more and more high, already have the injury risk of physical education brings more severe challenges, therefore the effective prevention and treatment of injuries in physical education became teachers focus of attention. A seminar outline:-1. What is the physical injury 1) school sports injuries. 2) physical education students injured accident? 2. causes of injuries? 1) school factors: space, equipment and hardware facilities. 2) teacher: teachers ' classroom management, teaching skills, strong sense of reasons, such as: learning to love do not understand, select and exercise materials out of control, organization, teaching methods and no concern for all students. 3) students: students genetic, quality, discipline, thoughts, etc. 4 other sudden unexpected) and other reasons, such as basketball through rebound crushed students, high school football has no intention of playing. 3. effective preventing sports injuries of? 1) school management dimension; 2) sports teacher level: classroom management, teaching practice, and so on, for example: when you want to listen to password throws; gymnastics class to focus on the protection of help, and so on. Please come with specific conditions. 3) student levels: physical, behavioural habits, etc. 4. how to deal with physical injury accident? please combine digital signage or your own experience of concrete cases to talk about the second, semapplication business card creditinar time: 2011 1wrongful death attorneys florida 2 Jan 19: 30 ~ 21: 30: Xu JI Feng Yanghao wing guest Chair: Peter practicing built four yellow xiangwei , summarize please discuss summary January 19 recently sent to caogenluntan@163.com, and please indicate the specific contact information: phone, QQ, units, zip code, email, etc. Thanks, Zhaoqing, Guangdong Yanghao Wing chung de school teacher of this topic. Ask teachers to participate actively in the China school sports magazine "grassroots contend" Forum 2011 first phase of the General discussion on article 24 topic! participate in http://bbs.sports.edu.cn/viewthread.php?tid=3437 & page = extra = 1 participatory approach: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_412989ce0100houa.html registration http://bbs.sports.edu.cn/viewthread.php?tid=3438 URLs: extra = & page = 1

